My friend Stephanie at
Diapers and Divinity just did this Christmas tag and I thought it would be fitting to do it here on my Christmas blog. So here goes:
Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate for sure. With peppermint patties melted in it. And whipped cream on top. And a candy cane for a swizzle stick.
Does Santa wrap presents or set them under the tree?
Santa sets the gifts unwrapped under the tree.
Colored lights on tree or white?
Our tree has colored lights- I'm attached to that tradition from my youth. We have had 2 Christmas trees in the past, one family tree with colored lights and one formal tree with white lights and my fancy decorations.
When do you put your decorations up?
Day after Thanksgiving. Now that I live in the frosty north again the outdoor decorations go up right after Halloween while it's still warm, (if i remember to do it). We don't turn the lights on 'til after Thanksgiving though (unless the kids are outside playing and plug them in).
What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Ham. When I was a kid I always asked for ham for my birthday dinner. LOVE the ham.
Favorite Holiday memory as a child:
We would do The Twelve Days Of Christmas each year for someone elderly or alone at the holidays. Sneaking up and leaving a gift at their door was exciting and it filled me with the Christmas spirit. Secretly serving is wonderful for that.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Some years we do the PJs on Christmas Eve thing, but we're not consistent.
How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
It's definitely an eclectic family tree. Homemade decorations, purchased ornaments, colored lights, ornaments from my childhood, school project ornaments, it's all there. I think it's very cozy and homey.
Snow! Love it or Dread it?
Honestly, I love it. Ask me about frigid below zero too cold to snow weather. Not a fan.
Can you ice skate?
Yes. I'm not great at it, but I spent a lot of time as a child ice skating on the frozen pond on the neighbor's farm. I also remember skating up and down the brook behind our house. That was bumpy and you had to watch for rocks jutting above the surface of the ice, but it was fun and convenient.
Do you remember your favorite gift?
Hmmmmm. My brother Bryan got me a white teddy bear one year. It really meant so much to me. I still have it.
What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
Being with family. My absolute favorite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve when we read the scriptural account of Christ's birth and sing Christmas hymns together.
What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Oh boy, do I really have to pick just one? Mom's chocolate pie. That's Christmas in a pastry crust.
What is your favorite tradition?
Christmas Eve. (see above) We also eat crackers and cheese and drink wassail on Christmas Eve. I love the wonder of the Christmas story, the magic and anticipation of Christmas morning.
Which do you prefer, Giving or Receiving?
I love giving, it's definitely the most rewarding. But I will admit that I get so touched when someone gives me a thoughtful gift. You know, something you know they put a lot of love and thought into.
What is your favorite Christmas Song?
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. I think. I love Christmas music.
Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?
Yum. Especially if they are a little stale so they are hard but chewy. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Ever recycled a Christmas present?
I think so. I think we recycled something Lincoln got from a coworker one year.